Holy Trinity
Roman Catholic Pastoral Unit
Pastor: Fr. Blair Benard
St. Theresa the Little Flower/St. Peter's/ St. Lawrence O'Toole. Email: sttheresa@eastlink.ca
Phone: 902-961-2265
Fax: 902-961-3394
Catholic Women's Action PEI
The Catholic Women’s Action on Prince Edward Island consists of 33 councils representing approximately 1850 members. This membership is part of a National membership of over 78,000 members all working “For God and Canada.”
The first council to be organized on PEI was the Charlottetown Council (then called sub-division) in the summer of 1921 with 107 charter members. From this early beginning, interest in this organization of Catholic women blossomed into what it is today.
Our National Theme is “Care for Our Common Home” which is lived out on Prince Edward Island.
President: at St. Lawrence O'Toole, and St. Theresa The Little Flower: Mrs. Anne Morrison

Knights Of Columbus T.P Butler Council
Guided by the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity members of the Knights of Columbus work to overcome the hardships that people face in their parishes and communities. We are a growing organization – more than 1.9 million members – and for over 130 years have committed to overcome the challenges of the need for food, shelter, warm clothing, and financial security, as well as provide aid for widows and orphans in our local communities.
Knights of Columbus PEI
Grand Knight: Kent Czank
Prayer Line: If you would like prayers said for anyone, please get in touch!
Maureen Evans
Phone: 902 961-2182
Email: blimey2182@gmail.com
The Little Flowers Play Group
Holy Trinity Pastoral Unit has a new mom and tots group! Join us monthly for an afternoon of fellowship, faith and play for you and your little ones. 'Little Flowers Playgroup' meets the first Wednesday of every month from 2-4pm in the basement of St. Theresa the Little Flower. For more information find us on facebook @ Little Flowers Playgroup or email us at theresaslittleflowers@gmail.com